Re-evaluation Planning Meeting
The purpose of a re-evaluation planning meeting is to determine if additional assessments are necessary to address any of the following issues:
- Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance statement
- Current placement and respective educational programming
- Continued eligibility for special education and related services
The parent (student when appropriate) will be given notice of the re-evaluation planning meeting that has been scheduled to review all existing data. Participants at the meeting shall be the IEP team (listed below) who will all sign the sign-in sheet.
A. Parent (adult student)
B. Teacher who is knowledgeable about the students educational performance or district programs
C. Case manager
D. Minor pupil, if appropriate
E. Person referring the pupil as potentially disabled, or the principal or designee
F. At least one CST member who participated in the evaluation
The IEP team will determine the nature and scope of the re-evaluation.
Additional Assessments are not warranted:
1. Parents (adult student) are given written notice of the decision.
2. Parent (adult student) signature is required.
Additional Assessments are warranted:
1. Parents (adult student) are given written notice of the decision.
2. Parent consent is required.
3. Proceed with the assessment.
4. Parent (adult student) is sent a copy of all assessment reports at least ten (10) days prior to the triennial eligibility meeting.
5. Parent (adult student) is sent notice of triennial Eligibility Meeting where results of additional assessments will be discussed and continued eligibility determined.