“Since the implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, Fairfield Township School District has continued to address harassment, intimidation and bullying and to improve the school climate and culture by implementing various anti-bullying programs and staff training.
Our School Board Prohibits Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying of Any Kind
Read Our HIB Policy (PDF)

School Anti-Bullying Specialist (Grades PreK-4)
Ms. Monica Ralph
Phone: 856-453-1882 ext. 8012
Email: [email protected]
School Anti-Bullying Specialist (Grades 5-8)
Ms. Janice Carter
Phone: 856-453-1882 ext. 8005
Email: jcarter@fairfield.k12.nj.us
HIB Coordinator
Ms. Renee Ring
Phone: 856-453-1882 ext. 8029
Email: [email protected]
Harassment Intimidation and Bullying
New Jersey Department of Education HIB Information:
HIB Reporting Forms
HIB Incident Form For Families (2023-24).pdf
HIB Incident Form For LEAs (2023-24).pdf